
love yourself to life

Your life is dependent on you, your happiness is dependent on you, and the quality of the life you will live and create for yourself are dependent on you. You are the most important person in your life because when you aren't "right" with yourself, nothing else really can be. It's important that you begin to deal with unhealed mindsets and emotional wounds that may keep you stagnant, stuck, or repeating. Your life is your choice, and it can be no greater than the choices you make in it. Choosing you is no longer an option. Love not only covers but pulls you out and into newness. #lys2l​



God, I ask that you show me how to be dedicated to myself and the ideas that you have given me. I ask for wisdom to know what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. I no longer want to have random experiences, I want to live the life you have for me. I release any form of negativity & receive your peace. As I sleep, I pray to see ideas and ways to make things happen easier. I am ready to receive. #lys2l #PrayForYourself



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